- March 5, 2022
- Posted by: PRA USA
- Category: Interview Advices

5 Ingredients to Writing a Follow-Up Note
I was talking to an engineer this past week looking to keep in touch with a company he’d interviewed with right before the quarantine. I suggested dropping them a quick note to make sure they were keeping him in mind. He asked me what he should put into the message, as he was concerned about “pestering” them.
That got me thinking: what is the secret to a good follow up note?
First off, your number one goal is keeping yourself in their mind in a positive way. You want them thinking of you when the wheels start turning again. To do this, here are 5 ingredients to use. These apply to the quarantine, but also anytime when there will be a gap between your interview and the hiring decision.
1. Empathize
Start by empathizing with their situation. This means saying something like “I’m sure you have a lot on your plate right now” or “I hope your team is holding up well, especially with everything that’s happened in the last month.” The more specific, the better.
2. State Intent and 3. Skills Reminder
Let them know your intent with the note, and that it’s not to ask anything of them. An example would be, “I wanted to drop a quick note to let you know I’m still interested in joining the team once you’re hiring again. I’m eager to use my skills working with production teams to improve your launch process.”
With that message, you’re letting them know you’re still available and interested, plus reminding them how your skills can help them reach their goals.
3. Ask a Question
Now you’re going to ask a question. Something like, “Do you think you’ll be back in hiring mode by this summer?” They may not answer the question, which is fine because, again, the main goal is to keep yourself in the front of their mind. If they do, even better because now you’re having a conversation again. You’re re-engaged.
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4. Express Appreciation
End the note by expressing your appreciation, and letting them know you’re available if they need anything else.
Here’s the whole note:
I hope your team is holding up well, especially with everything that’s happened in the last month. I wanted to drop a quick note to let you know I’m still interested in joining the team once you’re hiring again. I’m eager to use my skills working with production teams to improve your launch process. Do you think you’ll be back in hiring mode this summer?
I appreciate the consideration you’ve given me, and I’m available to answer any questions you may have.
Best regards,
· Empathize with their situation
· State your intent
· Remind them of your skills match
· Ask a question
· Express your appreciation.
Do this well, and you can get a lot accomplished in a short note.
PRA USA has been helping technical professionals in Electronics, Embedded, and Controls development move their careers forward for 30+ years. Check out our website to find out how we can help you.
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